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Moon Phases made easy

Hey there Lunar Goddess (or God), 

There's no coincidence you landed here: you want to learn about the effect the moon has on you and your life. And above all; you would like the Moon Phases Meanings to be made easy for you. 

Let me help you with that today. If you are new here: I am a Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Life coach and I assist bold men and women how The Path of The Moon can lead to living a complete, fulfilled life based on who you are on the inside. I hosted my first Moon Circle in my early twenties and I live what I teach. 

Simple hacks to the Moon Phases 
Why go at it the hard way while there's an easy way to understand and align yourself with the Moon. Less is more. That saying goes for Moon Phases work as well. On top of that it will actually be more beneficial, because you allow yourself to open up to your own knowledge. So how to hack this? Bring it down to using just 4 phases.  


Four phases will give you all the manifesting or healing power you need. It will open you up to your own own intuition and allows you to personalise your Moon Work. The only path to extraordinary results is always the one that works for you personally. And the easiest way to get there is learn and read about the Moon Phases and understanding where that knowledge comes from and why. And then start experimenting with this yourself.   

You are a unique being with needs that are very specific to you and if you copy what is being said or only use an app for exact time then I'm sorry to say that your Moon Work is going to do nothing for you. What makes it "work" is your own emotional connection. And that comes from interaction by using your own intuition and mind. 

If you are interested in the Divine and the Energy then the first step to be made is to connect with yourself. With feeling your feels. With listening to your thoughts. There's no right or wrong way if you tune into you ACTUAL feelings. And yes, you've not been taught to do so and there's layers of fears and conditioning in the way. Your true voice is right there and if you allow yourself to hear it, you'll supersize your Moon Work. 

The 4 moon phases to remember are dark moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. Dark Moon is great for reflection and allowing transformation. Waxing Moon is about growth. Full Moon relates to abundance, harvest and celebrating and Waning Moon to letting go. 

Ready to try this out? Tips for your own connection: 

1. Establish your connection to the Moon by looking up to the night sky and interacting with her. How does this make you feel? What thoughts come to mind?  

2. Do you recognise the Moon Phase based on how the Moon looks? Take note to how the energy FEELS to you. Can you feel if its' growing or decreasing? How do you know? Journal on it. 

3. If you were not sure, then please look up at what Moon Phase we are in and what it means.

Are you interested on learning more about the Moon? If you are confused about the Moon Phases then please use the free Moon Phases e-book. 

I teach about the Moon in the best-selling Moon Energy Workshop which discusses all the moon phases and shows you how to best work with this energy. 

More information on this workshop here


How the Moon opens the portal to the Inner Goddess

Hey beautiful ones,  

Are you here to learn about the Moon and how to use her power in your life? As a long time Moon Healer I love sharing this knowledge with you. In this article I break down the meaning of the Moon Phases for you. Once you'll understand how to use FULL and NEW MOON you'll have a powerful companion to start living a more aligned life based on Who you are and what is important to you. 

The Tale of the Moon, is actually the tale of The Divine Feminine. And sure there are plenty of myths tied to the Moon. From romance to mysticism and bards and writers all finding inspiration in the heavenly body. The Moon sparks the imagination. 

The awareness of her as a Spiritual Body has won terrain the last decades. She is often portrayed as a celestial body that can help you get what you want. Be it in manifesting or intention setting. What many do not realise is that when you work with the tides of the Moon you are working with the ancient Rhythm of life and death. 

By doing that you open the portal to your Inner Goddess and to the qualities of the Divine Feminine.

"And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without." 

Or in short this line from the Charge of The Goddess means: You have to know yourself to be able to really find and receive what you ask for. 

Ancient Rhythm of Life, Death and Resurrection

The Rise of the Goddess is something that’s long spoken about.This started already almost 50 years ago after Her having taken a back seat for so long. You can see The Divine Feminine or the Ancient Goddess energy as a collective representation of what lives in our subconscious and it is all about what’s going on internally in you. 

You may have heard a lot about there being a shift in that energy and that her influence is growing. She has indeed been re-emerging from the shadows and there is a new understanding of her energy present on earth already. So it’s no wonder that empathy and honouring our emotions are finally returning to society, because that is the realm of the Goddess and the Moon. 
At the start of 2018 I received a beautiful vision confirming that many have opened up to the Divine Feminine and that the Goddess sphere will continue to rise and grow and will slowly form a new foundation. I saw waves of healers and healing flood the earth and the most magnificent colours being spread like powder; a magenta reddish pink with misty lavender blue. And took it as a sign that “the light army” is growing and I saw it raise the vibration of the Earth. And that’s because all you heal within, will have a ripple effect and light up those around you. So it’s no coincidence you are reading this. 

Society is opening up to the inside 
To make it very practical: you can see this Rise in the yoga movement (and it now being very common - it wasn’t as much the beginning of 2000 and was still considered “very new age”. Now physicians easily suggest it as stress control and more). You can see it in “mindfulness” and how it has been integrated in the business world (mindfulness is actually very similar to “meditation techniques” used as part of spiritual awakening journeys. It has just been pimped and marketed in a way that speaks to a broader audience). And what about purpose, utilising your talents and finding meaningfulness in careers being on the increase? 

These ingredients are now being seen as important Human Relations tools to keep employees contented. That’s quite some shift in culture, since it’s the professors and science based institutions that are now embracing these more feminine based qualities. 

On a personal level: I didn't just recently wake up to the idea of spirituality. I've actively integrated the Wisdom of the Moon and spirituality in my life for decades. And it's no "accident" I'm living like I do. I have made strong choices based on what's important, meaningful and joyful to me. And I got there by getting to know myself on a very deep level and walking the path. And the Moon and the inner Goddess can assist you to get to know yourself on such a deep level, that aligned choices and feeling good becomes second nature. 

Does that mean you can't manifest or set intentions with the Moon? Not at all. What it means is that you start to understand why you desire to manifest what you ask for and may be shown that something different is what actually brings you joy and fulfilment. 

Reclaiming Power
Did you know it hasn’t been all that long since women started reclaiming their power? Did you know women were not allowed to open their own bank accounts before 1975 without permission from their husbands or a male relative? That up until the early 1980’s you could have been denied serving in an English pub in you were unaccompanied and wanted to spend your own hard earned cash? Many of the female qualities have been suppressed for many centuries and there’s change in the air. For a new type of leadership, in valuing emotions, treating others as humans, having empathy, intuition and so much more. 

The #metoo campaign is an excellent example of this switch from ‘old world leadership’ to new.   

And if you are drawn to the Moon, you are part of the movement standing up for change and restoring humanity. 
Let’s not just talk about women though (The Goddess energy is not about gender (even if it’s great mirror to how the feminine qualities are and have been valued and downplayed). 

The Divine Feminine is a consciousness). Because what the Path of the Moon represents can be found both in men and women. And this depriving of our wise emotional system and that of the subconscious has been taking a toll on both genders. When you deny one part in yourself or suppress it, there is a disconnect, a sense of aloneness, sadness and more. That’s because we are not allowing ourselves to fully be who we are. 
  • The Moon relates to the unseen. 
  • It invites us to go beyond seeing with our eyes and allows other senses to come forward.  
  • The Moon is your hunches and intuition. 
  • Our emotions. 
  • And the undercurrent of life that’s not always instantly crystal clear and visible. 
  • The Moon affects bodies of water. 
  • And the Ocean Tides. 
  • We are 70% water. 
  • And the Moon influences us to.
  • She speaks to all hero and mythological stories that the subconscious holds.

  • Let’s start with getting the Moon Phases right. A lot of information has been lost through the internet and copy and pasting without checking the origin facts and sources. Many now think Full Moon is only about release, while in reality Full Moon is about abundance and manifesting. Since the Moon is a reflection of your innermost self and therefore your psyche goes through the same phases then having it backwards creates confusion and the Moon Door to understanding life at large remains shut. 
TV and movie witches do their spells under the full moon for a reason: it's fully charged with energy. The movie Practical Magic 

  • The Moon Phases meanings:
    • Waxing Moon is great for growth and things that are just beginning. 
    • Full Moon is about abundance and celebrations and can be used for manifesting. 
    • Waning Moon is about release. 
    • New moon (actually called Dark Moon because you can’t see the moon in the sky) is the time to reflect 
    Now let’s make that more visible while adding the Goddesses relating to each phase:
    • Waxing Moon relates to the VIRGIN GODDESSES - it’s the life phase in which all is new and growing like in Spring. As a life phase it’s the child and young adult. 
    • Full Moon relates to the MOTHER GODDESS - She is at her peak and blossoming like summer time. The Full Moon can even be seen as pregnancy.   
    • Waning Moon is when we get older. There’s wisdom gathered in being around for quite some time, but there is also decay. This phase relates to the Crone Goddess and often goddesses here will be threefold, because they lived all of those phases. 
    • Then at dark moon/new moon it’s about death and there’s a “nothingness” and stillness like you see in Winter time (before being reborn again)
  • Here’s the first secret: You are the Goddess. It’s all about you and your creation. However there’s certainly also the “external” Goddess Energy, which is an archetypal energy that you can tap into and even evoke is you so desire. Goddesses can differ immensely in energy.  When you just start out on your spiritual journey it’s common to notice that a certain Goddess speaks to you more than another. Usually they are first mirroring your own energy and there’s a similarity there. In short: if you are very FIERCE then you’ll likely feel attracted to a more fierce Goddess when starting to work with Goddess Energy. 
    Here’s the second secret: If you start asking to connect with the Goddess she will start showing up for you. You can ask out loud before you go to bed and mind your dreams for example. Here’s something quite neat: The Goddess that wants to work with you will usually show up. You don’t pick the Goddess, She picks you. Here’s a link to a free Connect with The Goddess meditation that helps you to connect with the Goddess you are ready to work with. It’s part of the 7 Days of Goddesses program. 
    Third- Allow awareness. Look up to the sky, understand the moon phases meanings. The more you note how you feel during each phase, the easier you’ll start connecting with your own intuition and gifts and the knowledge of your subconscious. You can journal about how you feel or only take a few minutes to be consciously aware like looking up and the moon and affirming: “I see the moon is waxing. This is the time of growth and creating opportunity.”  
    And last but not least: You go through a similar process as that of the moon each month. With your newborn wishes, making desires real, letting go of what you’ve outgrown and then being still and allowing time to reflect for your next best steps. And throughout the days, months and years you will keep transforming and growing. The Moon can teach you the process of your internal flow and on a larger scale initiate you in understanding the cycle of life. The benefits are huge if you allow yourself that internal process. The more aware, the easier. There’s no pushing. There’s just the natural tide of you. Like the ocean responding to the Moon. The internal world is the domain of the Divine feminine and the Moon a portal to connect with those ancient parts of the psyche.

    Wishing you a beautiful journey. 

    Much love, Laura

    This article was first written for My Inner Peace,  

Laura believes a better world starts with understanding and awareness. She serves clients all over the world by giving clarity, assists with deep healing old emotions and shows people how to uncover who they are and start living those truths. Laura practices what she preaches and has been on the spiritual path for almost 25 years. She loves incorporating the ancient wisdom of the Moon in sessions.   
You can follow me on:


Full Moon versus Lunar Eclipse

Hey there Moon witches, Gods & Goddesses, 

What is a Lunar Eclipse? What can you expect? And is it still a good time to work on manifesting your dreams? As you may know I've hosted my first moon circle in my twenties and integrate the Moon into healing work I do for clients. Shifting blocks and manifesting dreams happens a whole quicker when you integrate the flow of the Moon. 

The next Lunar Eclipse happens during WOLF MOON

This next FULL MOON is a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse always happens at FULL MOON. So what's the difference between a full moon and an eclipse again? A normal full moon is when the energy is maxed. It's at is fullest and most abundant - certain types of rites and rituals where you want to attract a certain type of abundance in your life fit this moon phase. And sorry, but not sorry: if you heard it's about RELEASE only, then you've been taught by someone that  doesn't understand the actual meaning of the Lunar Cycle. 

A Full Moon is right in the middle of the Moon Cycle. It's not "the end". Endings do indeed fit release. Full Moon is when the energy is most powerful. Look at it this way: if the Moon Cycle was a human life full moon equals the peak of life. Release equals Death, which from a natural life flow perspective comes at old age. The Moon is much the same. At her "old age", which is the ending of the cycle it is about letting go. 

Anyway, Eclipses are different than Full Moons. And during a LUNAR ECLIPSE it is about RELEASE. It works on change in certain areas in your life (how much you are effected depends on where this eclipse falls in your birth chart and if touches personal points). This one will be happening in 0 Leo with the north node (point of direction) in Cancer.  If you want to do something special around the Lunar Eclipse then know it is a great time for purging out a lot of that past energy and emotions. And it's possible this focussing on change and direction. 

Confused about the Moon Phases? Receive the Moon Wisdom e-book here.  

Laura  is a spiritual life coach, teacher and healer and serves clients all over the world by giving clarity, healing old emotions and teaching people tools they can use to connect back to their own wisdom and healing power. She has been on the spiritual path for almost 25 years and loves incorporating the ancient wisdom of the Moon in sessions.  
You can follow me on:


Dark Moon Solar Eclipse versus New Moon

Hello gorgeous, 

Experiencing big aha's, sudden clarity and feel an electrifying energy rushing through you? You may feel the SOLAR ECLIPSE. Not the promoted new moon (which is actually still dark moon). A solar eclipse always takes place at dark moon and eclipses are the only time (!) this phase can fit intention setting. 

That's why after a Solar Eclipse you may suddenly feel where to head, what your path is. It's like the sun died and was rebirth. So this is the moment you reset yourself. And if you are truly aligning yourself to the cycle of the Moon you feel the difference in energy. 

I'm so excited to see that the Moon Goddesses that joined the monthly Dark Moon Healing circle start to FEEL the differences in the energy of the moon. They buzzed during the Solar Eclipse, while the last time they felt the quiet contemplation of the Dark Moon. And that's what it is all about: once you can distinct the differences you restored your connection with the moon and can start to benefit form her energy. 

There's another big energy difference between a Solar Eclipse and the Dark Moon. Instead of it being about the NEW MOON it's actually about the SUN. That's being highlighted here. This tops a usual Dark moon in feelings and energy. And therefore it also outshines the energy of the moon. 

This is why it suddenly all becomes more clear and highlighted. It's illuminating in a sense. It's normal to feel bursts of energy during a solar eclipse. It can feel like spring time and the new you is bursting through the ground to grow.

Each Eclipse I look at the astrology and share the messages and meaning of it with you on social media. If you attune to the energy available ad understand it then it can work in your advantage, 

Please find a video message for all my Sisters world wide below. It emerged during the Eclipse in Capricorn with the North Node in Cancer. 

And it's honouring all women that prepared the path before us, so we now have THE FREEDOM to bring out our personal gifts and FEMALE VALUES of nurture, care, connection and intuition into the world.

It’s very aligned with the eclipse and some will and have felt the call to step into their leadership role. It’s truly time.

Laura  is a spiritual life coach, teacher and healer and serves clients all over the world by giving clarity, healing old emotions and teaching people tools they can use to connect back to their own wisdom and healing power. She has been on the spiritual path for almost 25 years and loves incorporating the ancient wisdom of the Moon in sessions.  
You can follow me on:


2019: Time to start Executing your leadership

#personalleadership I'm getting pretty excited about the YEAR ENERGY of 2019 and the upcoming SOLAR ECLIPSE.

We really are living in very special times and we've had quite a few rounds (years!) of eclipses all working on that authentic voice and stepping in your power.

Test ride is over now: this next one you'll be asked to claim that personal leadership and to start EXECUTING it.

I'm pretty certain that everyone here or reading this has already actively been working with your empowerment. Either partly unconscious or more consciously.

Call to spirituality 
This all ties in with 2012 which (and you may remember this) was made a ‘big ascension year’. What actually happened was that the frequency of the earth was upped.
Many would have felt the call to spirituality around that time. Something had to change and shift from within.

Others that chose to take a part in this and want to show the way, lead and set examples would have felt this earlier already (2003-2007). In 2012 it may have suddenly started feeling more urgent.

This is also why since around 2003-2004 the ‘ trend’ (I call it a trend because it’s been getting more mainstream) has been to be more in touch with yourself. Do yoga. Be mindful and more.

Authentic Power 
It’s all about being true to the self.
The times we are in now underline the importance of that. And the moment of choice has already passed.

You are either on board in truly stepping into yourself and 'into your authentic power' and if not then you may feel you are "going batshit crazy" in 2019 as one of my mentors mentioned. If you are: don't worry. It's just the call to get deeper in alignment with yourself and what you are all about.
It's that knowing that you can embrace that and are able to create reality for yourself and your life. And then there's the "old world thinking".

To make this more visible for you. Here’s what it looks like on a global level: there has been a definite split between ‘old world’ and ‘ new world’ thinking. Old world thinks linear and there’s no room for change. There’s a need to restore the old. Think Donald Trump. Think Brexit (back to the UK glory days in which they ruled the world). Same for Trump: back to the glory days where they ruled the world.

You need not do anything with this split personally. You can see and observe it and then still continue on your own path. Which is the path of creating the world from within.
It's the path of working with energy. And the path of constant transformation.

The power of creation
This is what is called the new paradigm. And what people mean when they say 3D-world versus a 5D-reality. It doesn’t matter what it is called though. What you can take from it if you desire... is that you truly are so magnificent and unique that you can create change on that inner level.

And then see it play out into the world (it’s still about you – there’s nothing other you need to do than be you). The next dark moon healing circle will be all about starting to EXECUTE that PERSONAL LEADERSHIP. What a great way to start the year, right?

Goal setting can be extremely fruitful around the eclipse. If...
You are ready to take charge of your life and start being the executive power in your life.

Laura serves clients all over the world by giving clarity, healing old emotions and teaching people tools they can use to connect back to their own wisdom and healing power. She has been on the spiritual path for almost 25 years and loves incorporating the ancient wisdom of the Moon in sessions.  
You can follow me on:


3 tips that guarantee Manifesting Success

Are you getting ready for the New Year? 

Are you determined to make it YOUR YEAR? 

Here’s some tips to make it happen: 

1. If you want something NEW you need to create SPACE. That means to decide WHAT TO LET GO and RELEASE. Both on an energetic level (from the emotional and spiritual body) as from the mind. Decluttering your physical world (house) helps (!)

2. You need CLARITY on your VISION. Where are you headed? What are you goals, You can start to FLOW the energy with intentions (and align it with the Moon for example)

3. And then you need ALIGNED ACTION; if you show the universe you are serious about your direction by actually taking a step that gets you closer to your goal, then guess what:    

Fun Fact: The Solar Eclipse the coming Dark Moon will help you tremendously with aligning the Energy. 

That's because Eclipses are massive pattern breakers. 

Whether you are ready for it or not. They want that open road for you. And if they touch personal points in your birth chart, you will feel it. In fact they always influence the collective.

A Solar Eclipse assists in NEW BEGINNINGS. 

If you are in the Dark Moon Healing Circle we WILL work with this energy together. 


Dark Moon work to create inner space and peace

Hey gorgeous, 

So you desire new things, right? 

And ideas for this flowing easily to you? 

Maybe you already see yourself having that relationship, that new home, doing work you love.  

And it all feel lighthearted and like a string of ease flowing through your life.

Except... You don't feel as light hearted and inspired and in tune with yourself right now. 

Totally normal. Let's give you an easy ritual to unclog yourself.  

Picturee through NASA

As you know I love sharing tips and ritual ideas with you in the Free Spiritual Facebook group Into the Moonhouse. 

As a Dark Moon Healer this Moon Phase is one of my favourite phases to work with. Remember: what is called "new moon" by many and promoted as a great time for intention setting is quite the opposite. It's the time to go inward, to reflect and connect to yourself. 

Tip 1: Get what is clogging you out of your system 

A part of this phase is excellent for release (Find Monthly Dark Moon healing and rituals here). 

When you are carrying lots and lots of experiences, ideas and more it needs to get out of your system. 

This is your personal chance to empty yourself too. Only once you are empty then there’s room to receive the new. 
It’s no use to build on top of things all the time. You will overflow. 

Which is fine if it’s good stuff and simply very annoying when it is not. 

Then pressure builds.
Time gets scarce.
And it may simply feel heavy. 
Time to empty your jar. 

Easy tool to assist you: 

Writing is a great tool for this.
To simply sit down. 

Push aside any inner critic talk (it’s not hard, the key is to just write on without thinking, which will bypass any inner critic and allows you tap into flow) and write. ALL of it. As much as you can to empty your soul. 
The good, the bad, the ugly, the ideas… Write, write, write. 

How does it feel to pour that cup empty? Great!

Expect to feel relaxed AND it's not uncommon that ideas start flowing to you immediately. 

Top 2 writing tips:
1. If you write about your worry, stress and more then burn the paper afterwards. Claim your experiences, honour them and then say you release them into the fire for transformation by source energy.

2. If you are hyper creative then awesome. Make, create, let it flow, be proud. 

Writing is powerful. Once things get on paper it’s real! It’s out. And then you can do with it what you desire.

If you are a visual person then drawing and painting may be your go to. Ideally about all your experiences. As long as it’s clear to you what you are letting flow out of you. 

There you are! 

You’ve just created much more inner space! 

Would you like to stay informed on ritual work, the moon phases, the sky energy and more? Subscribe to the newsletter here and receive the Moon Phases e-book as a gift. 

Laura Diane Soer is a Spiritual Life Coach, Teacher and Healer

Laura serves clients all over the world by giving clarity, healing old emotions and teaching people tools they can use to connect back to their own wisdom and healing power. She has been on the spiritual path for almost 25 years and loves incorporating the ancient wisdom of the Moon in sessions.  
You can follow me on:
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